Thursday, June 16, 2022

Surrogate Swapping Inc (SSI)



  1. LO! love the bi about her now intimating everyone by her new size & that he now ha t nurtuure the baby as well

  2. Brian hated being pregnant and giving birth was so painful. But he loved nursing the little baby. When the 18 months was ending, he told Arial how much he would miss the way her tits felt when the baby was on them. By this time, Arial had been promoted twice and did not to go back either. So she offered to buy the permanent spell as long as Brian agreed to be the submissive wife. Five years and three children later, Brian sucked Arial's cock whenever he could. His tits were so sore that he just wanted to keep her husband satisfied so she would not get him pregnant again. Still there was little he could do when she put him on his back to claim her marital rights.
